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Welcome to Soroptimist International of Indianapolis Metro! The organization is a worldwide sisterhood of professional women volunteering to improve the lives of women and girls in their local communities, nationally, and throughout the world.
Soroptimist is a name coined from two latin words, "soror" meaning sister and "optima" meaning the best. Hence the translation is "The Best for Women."
I pledge allegiance to Soroptimist and to the ideals for which it stands: the Sincerity of Friendship, the Joy of Acheivement, the Dignity of Service, the Integrity of Profession, the Love of Country. I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold, and defend these ideals for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business, for country and for God.
Terri Lynn Nuts
Soroptimist International of Indianapolis Metro have partnered with Terri Lynn to offer premium nuts, dried fruits, and candy that are unlike anything you'll find at a typical grocery or convenience store. With products that range from Dark Chocolate Cranberries to Giant Pecans to Deluxe Mixed Nuts, you are sure to find the perfect snack. Click here to place your order.
Rada Cutlery Sale
Join us for our Rada Cutlery Sale fundraiser. Rada sells amazing cutlery, soup and dip mixes along with plenty of other kitchen utensils! These knives make for great house warming or holiday gifts! All orders ship directly to the buyer which makes for an easy transaction. Soroptimist International of Indianapolis Metro will receive an amazing 40% of the sales! Check out the online catalog.
Tue, March 4th at 6:30pm
Soroptimist Meeting
Tue, April 1st at 6:30pm
Soroptimist Meeting
Fri-Sun, April 25th-27th
Soroptimist Midwestern Region Spring Conference
Tue, May 6th at 6:30pm
Soroptimist Meeting
Tue, June 3rd at 6:30pm
Soroptimist Meeting
Tue, July 1st at 6:30pm
Soroptimist Meeting
Tue, August 5th at 6:30pm
Soroptimist Meeting
We decided to borrow a children's project idea of "Flat Stanley" and create "Soroptimist Suzy." If you have not heard of "Flat Stanley", as a school assignment kids are asked to draw their own version of the character, get pictures of Stanley doing activities, traveling, etc. and then write a story about him. We thought it might be fun to create our own character but to do it with the premise of telling the Soroptimist story of women helping women and living their dreams. The basic principle of the project is to bring more awareness about our organization through our travels and interactions with others in our community.
Be on the look out to see Soroptimist Suzy participating at our latest events!